To Stay, Or To Go, That Is The Question!

Dearest Family and Friends

Life in London has been a little quiet the last couple days. The streets are empty. Hardly a person in sight. I know you are all wondering if I am getting sent home. Right now Europe is the last to evacuate and the UK last of all because we have the least danger. So, it's just a waiting game, do we stay or do we get transferred? 

We are in isolation and have been for almost a week now but as VC sisters we are a little bit of an exception to the isolation rule. We are in the Visitors Center 3 days a week teaching on the computers and the rest of the week we are stuck in our flats. We are good to go out of our flats to exercise everyday which is soooooo nice. I'm reading Jesus The Christ and it is incredible! I would highly recommend reading it to better understand the importance of The atonement of Jesus Christ. I am also studying Either and I'm blown away by the faith of the brother of Jared.  

Missionary work is different now but no less important. We have a family planning to be baptized on April 4th! Adama and her daughter Michelle are the most wonderful people and can use all the prayers they can get. Please pray for them and that they will be able to be baptized despite the virus. (Pictures are down below.)

I'm learning a lot about Facebook and what we call Facebook finding, which is finding people to teach by starting random conversations with people in the area that have liked or comment on our posts or comments. There are so many ways to share the gospel over the phone, it's amazing! The Lord has provided so many ways and tools for the gospel to continue to be spread to all the world. If any of you have ideas or suggestions for teaching online please send them to me. I would love to have any new ideas for the next couple weeks. Oh the stories I could tell. I've been proposed to a total of 5 times in the last 3 weeks. One of them said they would come to London and then we could go live in one of the castles there. "The in a castle in Spain" from Babes and Toy Land kept playing in my head.

Funny story. One of the Chinese sisters from a flat went home last Monday and Tuesday we got a text informing us that she was in the hospital with a lung infection...  For four days we all thought we were going to die!! But later we found that it wasn't the virus. Hip Hop and BIG skip Hurrah!!! So I'm fine. Not dying or anything. Pheeeewwwww

I hope everyone is well and happy. I know the virus has affected a lot of people's lives and has caused a lot of fear and uncertainty, I know I've definitely felt scared. Nephi teaches me by his example when he said "My God hath been my support; he hath [will] led me through mine afflictions" Look to him for hope. He has been there for me. And I've seen other blessing as I have relied on Him through faith and hard work.  All though things may look bleak right now we find in the scriptures that when hard times came they "came to pass" not came to stay. I love you all and know that Heavenly father is watching over you. 

I love you all and there will be a nice and big email next week!!:)

Good thing we have two weeks worth of food

A kindred spirit

My Companion Sister Lee and our flat

 We got the word that we were going into isolation. The first thing we did was get our last ice cream cone!

 Spring has come and it's amazing

Isolation exercise

Pond by Buckingham Palace

Isolation has been delicious. I made raspberry vegan cheesecake.  

Creative eating


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