Week 34: "Come again??" and Spiritual Gifts

August 31st

Week 34: "Come again??" and Spiritual Gifts  

Well Hello Family! 

Transfers!! We will get to the transfer calls later.

This week we had our FIRST Sunday service at the chapel! Have you started? It was so nice to meet some of the members face to face and bring some of our friends that we are teaching. It's so crazy to think that 30 people is referred to as a big crowd. Haha, yeah... we don't get out much ; )

Speaking of, online work has been fantastic! We just invited our friend Rodgers from Uganda to be baptised and he said YES!! Then he said "I was wondering when you were going to ask me, what took you so long?" It's amazing how people come alive when they hear the gospel, it makes such a big difference in people's lives.

Funny fact. When the connection is really bad in Africa and we can't hear them very well, all we hear from the phone is "Come again". They also say please after everything. Ex "Thank you so so much please." "Goodnight please." All the people we teach have such amazing faith and love for god. They are so humble. 

We have been teaching and preparing the Musas ( the family that was baptised last month) for the temple. They are so sweet. The last time we met in the park they suggested we have a big group prayer and I asked everyone to pray in their language. So sister Waterbohr prayed in german and the Musas each praed in their three different African dialects. When it came to my turn I decided to pray in Sign language, as that was the only other way I know how to pray. It was a very special spiritual experience. They are just a lovely family.  

We got THREE referrals this week!! If you don't know what a feral is, it is when someone has found someone that lives in our area that wants to learn the gospel. Miracles are really happening.

OK TRANSFERS. This is a big one. No, I'm not leaving London. No, I am not even leaving my flat (apartment). My sweet companion, the greatest missionary and the kindest heart is going to Ipswich and I will be training a brand new VC sister. CRAZY! I don't know who she is yet because there are two, one is from Italy and one is from Britain. I can't wait to introduce her to the mission field, to London! 

Last night we asked one of the senior missionaries to give us a priesthood blessing. Can you even describe the power of God's love? It was so apparent in that moment that Elder Sumko really did hold the Power and authority of God. I have such a strong testimony of it. It really was restored to the earth by a modern day prophet Joseph Smith. 

To everyone who is struggling or praying for strength I would suggest and urge you to ask for a priesthood blessing.

Love you all!! 



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