Week 13: Conference, Food & C.S. Lewis

April 6th 2020

Week 14: Happy Easter

Top of the mornin to ya! How are y'all doing?

Conference was incredible! I loved every minute of it, and I hope you did too. Elder Gong talked about how the Savior heals and restores everything in the past and the future. I have seen this in my life. The savior was the focus of conference and as we make Him the focus of our lives we will find an insurmountable Joy.  I know that hearing Him is truly the way. He is the light and the life. I am so grateful for Him. We have a living prophet and he asked us to Hear the Savior. This is His church and gospel. As a side note, I made my companions Levie caramel popcorn (see recipe below), to eat as we listened to conference. We were only able to listen, but it was just as good. 

A lot of you have asked for "A day in the life of Sister Levie" so here it goes. 

Every morning I wake up at 6:29am because our mission wants to go above and beyond one min at a time. I go do my exercise, preparation for the day and my studies. As Visitor Center sisters we walk 30 minutes to the chapel every other day and teach our people from Kenya. So our new life in quarantine isn't that different from missionary our life before. When we aren't teaching online at the chapel, we are facebook finding, having video lessons with our investigators in our area, calling members and sharing spiritual thoughts with them or calling random numbers from your phone from past missionaries. Facebook finding is in essence sending friend requests, starting conversations with people in your area and being yourself. It's new and a little awkward but we get to say , "Hey I don't know you but I have a message that will change and bless your life forever."  At the end of every day have a mission call for the whole mission. The mission President makes announcements and they play a funny movie that one of the missionary companionship made then we end the call with story time where the mission doctor reads us The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis. This is one of my all time favorite books and so appropriate that we are hearing from one of Englands great authors. 

As a side note, I have been successfully making sourdough bread with a start my mom sent with me. Last week we made sourdough cinnamon bread. It's soooooooo nice to have good bread again. Spring has sprung (see pictures), so taking our daily constitutional is such a joy.

Teaching people at the teaching center has been an amazing experience is so many ways. It's an adventure in itself because there are people that call to ask for money, or guys who just want a white wife, but besides that we have helped others come to know that they have a Savior. These wonderful people, along with my companion, have taught me so much, including working together with others and the importance of having the spirit in our lives. I am very humbled and feel so grateful for the opportunities and experiences I have had.

God is good.

Sister Levie

Isolation food  

Conference Popcorn
1 cup honey
1 cube butter
Boil on medium high for 4 min. Take off burner and add
1 tsp vanilla 
1 tsp baking soda
 Stir completely (the soda will make it bubble up so have a 
pan large enough). Then immediately poor over three batches of 
popcorn and stir. Let cook and enjoy

 Sourdough cinnamon bread

 My wild yeast

 A bit of America in London

 Spring is here

For my mom (her favorite)


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