The work is not finished

Hello all you wonderful people! 

This week has been full of adventures. Does time fly as fast for you as it does for me? The week went so fast! I'm healthy, happy and well and hoping all of you are the same.  

Yesterday the most incredible thing happened!! Because we can't have church with people in person, so sad about that, we decided to have a church over the phone with the people we were teaching. And we had friends from all over the world attend! 8 countries and 5 continents were represented. Two of the families that we are teaching were there, It was incredible. Technology is such a fabulous and wonderful blessing!! We shared the First Vision with them and the spirit was so very strong even over the phone. I'm so grateful that we can still teach and help our friends know Jesus Christ and His perfect love. Missionary work is still happening! We have a new mission motto that came from a quote from Elder Kieren from the area seventy and in Alma chapter 14. It goes like this "In the England London Mission we thrive on opposition. 'For behold the work is not finished'" it's when times are tough and things get hard when miracles happen. I know the work is not finished and I'm grateful to be a part of it.  

Quick updates: 
I'm still NOT being sent home for now but we know there may be changes in the future. I'll keep you updated. All the virus craziness makes me feel like we're all in a movie or a dystopian story! It also makes me think of you all and where you are all over the world. I hope that you all are well. I pray for you often and can say I know that Heavenly father is watching over us. "LOCKDOWN IS ENFORCED" Tuesday March 24th in the year 2020. We have been going though our cupboards and making all the fun recipes we been wanting to try. And boy I can tell you that good food makes a huge difference. 

We had our first ever Virtual Zone Conference on Facebook live one Wednesday. They made it like watching General Conference which was pretty great! We also saw THE Peter Pan this week so life is pretty good we saw him on one of the walks in Hyde Park. As some of you may know London is known for the cloudy rainy weather but as soon as the lockdown started we have had sunny days since!! Now we could see this as cruel and unusual punishment, the one time the sun is shining consistently in London is the time we all have to stay inside but I see it as a merciful and incredible blessing. Although we are in our flats the sun is there to brighten our day! The sunshine reminds us of the beauty and life in the world. It reminds me of the light of Jesus Christ. We have a savior to look to who represents light, hope and happiness.  The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.

One of my favorite quotes is
“The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.
“When the focus of our lives is on God’s plan of salvation … and Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy regardless of what is happening—or not happening—in our lives. Joy comes from and because of Him. … For Latter-day Saints, Jesus Christ is joy!” 

I have found true joy as I have fully focused on Him. I'm grateful for what he offers all who come unto Him. 

I can't believe the long awaited Bicentennial General Conference is NEXT WEEK!! I'm am so excited to hear from our beloved prophet. I know that he truly receives revelation and direction from God for all of us. We were all encouraged to watch Conference with a question in mind and I'd like to extend that challenge to all of you. Will you take you question as you listen to Conference, listen with faith and go with trust. I know that all of us can receive inspiration and council for our lives at this time. 

God is Good.

Sister Levie

 Out for our daily constitutional

 Peter Pan in Hyde Park

 The Peter Pan Tree
My companion had to hold me back from climbing this tree 
(It's my mother in me)

We now get to call our families and have church over the phone! 


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