
Showing posts from 2021

Week 75: Hello From London

June 14th 2021 Week 75 Hello from London England Since I last wrote I have had two companions, Sister Milone from France, and now I have been transferred to a new area and my companion is Sister Rodriguez from Spain. I am back in Hyde Park and I love it. In the last few weeks we’ve been able to see many of the sights of London: the Natural History Museum, Piccadilly Square, Big Ben, China Town, and The London Eye. Although we enjoyed ourselves, the greatest highlight of the last little bit has been being able to street contact again! As a mission, after being in lock down for 16 months, we can now contact people on the street. We call it “Hiya time” where we just say hello to people, we ask them questions about their day and hold our books of mormon. This disarms most Londoners because they don’t typically say hello to strangers.  One day we had prayed specifically to find one person who needed God that day. We had half an hour and as we made our way up to Hyde park we found a man name

Week 68: You are not forgotten :)

  April 26, 2021 Week 68 You are not forgotten :)   Updates and more.  I haven't posted in a while so this might be a little long so I won't be offended if you don't get through it all. Just remember that the best parts are always at the end but not if you skip down ; )  My email was disabled for a couple weeks for some reason and it was crazy. It really showed me how much I use my Google accounts. I wonder if all of our phones just turned off for a week what would we do? More importantly what we would learn. I would love to hear your thoughts... email: So about 4 weeks ago, THE DAY BEFORE TRANSFER CALLS, president Checketts sent a video to all the missionaries explaining that transfers would be delayed to Wednesday morning, yeah, weird. Turns out we had 5 VC sisters coming. FIVE NEW SISTERS! For the whole mission there were 12 the Friday before, 6 coming that Friday and 12 the next! The mission is exploding with new missionaries and President

Week 61: Keep Your Family's Story Alive

March 8th 2021 Week 61 Hello everyone! Sister Levie here and I am here in Northern London with my amazing companion Sister Ahumada from Spain. We have had many adventures together (see pictures below). But her testimony is my favorite thing about her. This week we found out that despite the continued lockdown Sister Ahumada has the opportunity to go through the temple and get her endowment!  Not only that but we have seen many little miracles.   Why I Believe: Each month our mission puts on a "Why I Believe" devotional where people that have recently joined the church share why they believe. This month was special, after an amazing week of Rootstech and family history work we were inspired to have a "Why I Believe-devine roots" where we as missionaries share stories of faith from our ancestors! These stories are so inspiring, with pictures and literal voice notes from the past.  You are ALL invited  to watch it!  This is the link:  https://www.facebook. com/54685552

Week 60: Wow, Jesus Christ is amazing!

March 02, 2021 Week 60 Hello from The Hyde Park visitors center. We have church in person again and everyone is so nice! We all feel excited for things to start opening up again.  We also started giving virtual tours to everyone that would like to see the Hyde Park Chapel here in London! This week we gave one to President and Sister Checketts and they said "It is a powerful and inviting way to share what we believe and the history of the Hyde Park chapel."  You all are invited!   It's not Buckingham palace, but it is even better because it is a place where so many come to learn about Jesus Christ. Please bring your families and friends to see a tour given by the London missionaries!  Here is the link, .  Email me privately if you would like to know the times for the tours that my companion and I will be giving.   Although I miss the mixican food from home, I am learning

Week 58: Christmas, Two Transfers and Plus One Whole Year.

February 15th 2021 Week 58 (1 year, 6 weeks)  Christmas, two transfers and plus one whole year.  Hello everybody! Hope you are all well. Your girl here in London is still teaching and happy!  These last couple months I have taught a lot of people that live in the Philippines. As Visitors Center sisters we teach people and then refer them to their local missionaries and it's great to see how much the Book of Mormon can make such a big difference in someone life.  A couple weeks ago one of my good friends, Rodgers from Uganda, got baptized! We had been teaching him throughout lockdown and seeing him finally be able to make these special covenants made us want to shout glory to God! Which we did;) and I hope all of us will keep doing!  I was told once that the Missionaries you serve around especially your companions will become your best friends for life and that was never more of a reality then when I got called out of Hyde Park 1 Ward and into London North to be in a trio with two o

Week 38 ~Transferred to Bracknell ~

  September 29th 2020 Week 38 ~Transferred to Bracknell ~ 7 and a half months and they're shipping me out!  Hello everyone. To counter the over exaggerated statement above, "they" are not shipping me out. The Lord is sending me where he needs me. I'M GETTING TRANSFERRED OUTBOUND! If there is one thing I have learned while out on the mission it's that Heavenly Father is in charge and that brings enormous peace to me. It can for you too! Take a minute and think about why God needs you to be in the place that you are, with the people the are around you. If you feel that you are not where God wants you to be think about what steps you need to take to find out how to get there. I promise that as you do this you will find the  peace  that our Savior Jesus Christ speaks about in John 14:27  I'm headed to a place called Bracknell. It's about an hour and a half west of central London and an hour southeast of Oxford England  I'll be sad the leave sister Challeno