Week 68: You are not forgotten :)


April 26, 2021

Week 68

You are not forgotten :) 

Updates and more. 

I haven't posted in a while so this might be a little long so I won't be offended if you don't get through it all. Just remember that the best parts are always at the end but not if you skip down ; ) 

My email was disabled for a couple weeks for some reason and it was crazy. It really showed me how much I use my Google accounts. I wonder if all of our phones just turned off for a week what would we do? More importantly what we would learn. I would love to hear your thoughts... email: Abigail.levie@missionary.org

So about 4 weeks ago, THE DAY BEFORE TRANSFER CALLS, president Checketts sent a video to all the missionaries explaining that transfers would be delayed to Wednesday morning, yeah, weird. Turns out we had 5 VC sisters coming. FIVE NEW SISTERS! For the whole mission there were 12 the Friday before, 6 coming that Friday and 12 the next! The mission is exploding with new missionaries and President says he's running out of trainers. A lot of the Missionaries that arrived from their temporary reassignment last transfer are training this transfer. Crazy times and we love it. There are now 12 sisters in the Visitors Center and 5 of the 6 companionships are training, including me! I received the lovely sister Lucas that Friday and we are having the best time as missionaries serving here on the London North ward :) She loves the London North ward and they love her already. Cathy, a member in our ward that feeds us every week,  said it's nice to have a fellow Brit here. Sister Lucas is 1 of 6 children and we have so much in common! We teach well together and she is going to make an amazing, if not the best, new VC sister there is! She hits her 1 month today and I couldn't be more proud of her. We have had some hard bits but God really does love to teach us and if we are open we can learn from all the hardest bits.

Our P-days have been fantastic now that we are aloud to take public transport. Our first week we borrowed bikes from my past area, Hyde Park One, and I took her on a tour around London! It was so sunny and good fun. Last P-day we went and saw Big Ben, Westminister Abby and the London Eye with the sisters in our flat because it was also their first time in London.

OH, OH, OH! (That looks a lot like "ho ho ho" or something that Santa would say but it's not. Just imagine me saying and it will make sense or just make you laugh) EMMANUEL, a friend (investigator) from Libiesra, really wants to be baptized but he also wants to be completely convinced that this is what God wants him to do. So after an amazing lesson about the Book of Mormon last week he decided that he was going to fast about getting baptized and he wants to be baptized May 18th!! It was his idea too. I'm so proud of him and really know that fasting makes a huge difference. He is still missing his mum who past away late last year but he loves the church.

RODGERS is fantastic! He's amazing actually. He asked his bishop for a calling in the ward and he says he is always the first one to church. An elder in Uganda that helped him get baptized just got transferred and he thinks that the new Missionaries don't like him or are too busy for him because he is so active and he's already baptized. That makes me sad but he says understands and he's sad at the same time. He is a complete saint and says he loves the members and has many friends.

Sister Lucas is from a place called New Castle but not the one everyone thinks of. It's a small town about an hour south of Chorley, near Manchester and it turns out that her father came to this same mission and her great Uncle lives in our area! It's a very small world in the church and I don't believe in coincidences. I would love to tell you all a little bit about her. She is the second of 3 girls and 3 boys and actually grew up in Germany, which you wouldn't be able to tell from her gorgeous British accent. She loves dogs, Cadbury Chocolate and her testimony is so strong when she shares it I get goosebumps from the warm feeling that comes as she invites the spirit.

We are both working with some members to prepare for to get their endowment, one of which is Sibongile from Zimbabwe. This week after our lesson we asked her how she was feeling sad. When we asked her why she said she was feeling sad because her daughter hasn't been able to find a good church to go to. We realized that we could acutely help with that because that's what we do while working in the online teaching center here in London, we find missionaries for people all over the world! We told her that we could find Missionaries for her daughter that would help her to learn the gospel and with great surprise she asked, "Our church is in Zimbabwe?!" And then with deep emotion she said that she would love, more than anything, for her daughter to learn and be baptized just as she was a little less than 2 years ago. The spirit was there and witnessed to me that what we were doing was the Lords work. He places people in our path that need our help. I don't believe that this is just for the missionaries but that you have family members, friends and loved ones that need your help.

There's a scripture in Mosiah 28:3 where the sons of Mosiah share their desire to share the happiness we have.
"Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any human soul should perish; yea, even the very thoughts that any soul should endure endless torment did cause them to quake and tremble"
This helps me to remember how important it is to share our experiences that we have with our families and friends, especially the ones we have that bring us closer to God.

I love it here in London and I am so grateful to be serving the Lord at this time.

I love you all as well and I have started to pray that God will continue to teach us eternal truths and give us the experiences we need.

-Sister Levie 


1. Cute sister Lucas and I 

2. First time meeting our district in person 

3. The hottest day of spring》 65°F  or around 21°C 

4. One of the people we were teaching go Baptized 

5. Virtual tours are still going! We are giving so many. We would love to give more! 

6. Bubble waffles at China town with the Elders in our zone. ( we could only gather as six otherwise there would have been more of us.) 

7. Me in the sunshine.

8. Sourdough bread


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