Week 58: Christmas, Two Transfers and Plus One Whole Year.

February 15th 2021

Week 58 (1 year, 6 weeks) 

Christmas, two transfers and plus one whole year. 

Hello everybody! Hope you are all well. Your girl here in London is still teaching and happy! 

These last couple months I have taught a lot of people that live in the Philippines. As Visitors Center sisters we teach people and then refer them to their local missionaries and it's great to see how much the Book of Mormon can make such a big difference in someone life. 

A couple weeks ago one of my good friends, Rodgers from Uganda, got baptized! We had been teaching him throughout lockdown and seeing him finally be able to make these special covenants made us want to shout glory to God! Which we did;) and I hope all of us will keep doing! 

I was told once that the Missionaries you serve around especially your companions will become your best friends for life and that was never more of a reality then when I got called out of Hyde Park 1 Ward and into London North to be in a trio with two of my past companions Sister Kleinert and Johnson!! 

During my mission I have had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people that can not all be named right now but for the sake those who are curious about my companions and the areas that I've served in I will list them.

I have survived in 4 areas in the last year: 
White Chaple VC area 
(Central London) with:
#1 Sister Tuioné》 from Australia 
#2 Sister Howell's 》 from Wales 
Hyde Park VC area
(West London) with:
#3 Sister Li 》 from  China Twice!! 
#4 Sister Kleinert 》from Germany 
#5 Sister Waterböhr 》from Germany 
#6 Sister from Challenor 》 from Leicester England (near Birmingham)
Bracknell and Farnborough, Not VC, area 
(Southwest of London and almost directly south of Oxford) with:
#7 Sister Johnson from Switzerland 
Back to Hyde Park VC area  with: 
#8 Sister Li 
And now in London North VC area
(Most of northwest of London)
In a trio with Sister Johnson and Sister Kleinert as I wait for my new companion Sister Ahumada 》 from Spain! 

I am learning so many things but more importantly I have come to know many amazing people. Relationships are one of the things we will take from this life along with the knowledge and personal development we gain. 
One of my very favorite people said this to me and I never forgot it. 

"People may forget what you said, people may forget what you did, but people will NEVER forget how you made them feel." That's so true! And Jesus Christ was the ultimate example of this. 

He has asked us to Come to Him and to do even as He did, and He went about doing good and sharing kindness to all. My relationship with him has blessed me and those I teach more than I can say. 

Let us all keep putting our best foot forward, even when it is hard and help people to feel they can do the same. There are those who need you. I know that He's there and the relationships we are building now can last for eternity.

Prayer has helped and what we call CPR: Chruch, Prayer and Reading (Scripture Study). 

If you need or you know anyone who needs a message of hope or wants to learn more about Jesus Christ and his love for you, send me an email: 

Love you all! Thanks for you kindness and good example. 

-Sister Levie 

All my wonderful companions

New area


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