
Showing posts from May, 2021

Week 68: You are not forgotten :)

  April 26, 2021 Week 68 You are not forgotten :)   Updates and more.  I haven't posted in a while so this might be a little long so I won't be offended if you don't get through it all. Just remember that the best parts are always at the end but not if you skip down ; )  My email was disabled for a couple weeks for some reason and it was crazy. It really showed me how much I use my Google accounts. I wonder if all of our phones just turned off for a week what would we do? More importantly what we would learn. I would love to hear your thoughts... email: So about 4 weeks ago, THE DAY BEFORE TRANSFER CALLS, president Checketts sent a video to all the missionaries explaining that transfers would be delayed to Wednesday morning, yeah, weird. Turns out we had 5 VC sisters coming. FIVE NEW SISTERS! For the whole mission there were 12 the Friday before, 6 coming that Friday and 12 the next! The mission is exploding with new missionaries and President